Downtown and Megas XLR fans rejoice!
Loved by critics. Adored by fans. Canceled by MTV…
The award-winning creative team of Chris Prynoski and George Krstic bring you the definitive collection of their first, and most overlooked animated series - Downtown!
Available for the first (and only) time, you can get your own signed, limited-edition, region-free 3 disc promotional set of all 13 episodes. Ass-loads of extras include documentaries, art and background galleries as well as never-before-seen Megas XLR Easter-Eggs!
Just click on the paypal/credit card button on the right column of this blog. You’ll be charged $30 to cover shipping, handling, DVD media and box. The actual episodes themselves are free as this is a promotional item only and not for resale. Rock on!
WOW George Krstic? Dude i totally dig Megas XLR u and trust me those unseen megas Cheese steaks are forcing me to buy this downtown
DVD! u guys rocked the show! but WHH did u cancel such an awsome static show to have ever hit mother earth!!! Ps. me not butering its an honest truth... i can bet my fat cat over it =D *peace* and rock on!
Oh my... Thank you for making this show and for the DVD. Back in 99 Alex was me and to a degree he still.. What am I saying I'm still that guy just less stupid. I think.
Once again Thank you for making this (and Megas XLR) and please don't stop making cool shows.
Glad you dig the shows. Although we didn't cancel either, both seemed to have suffered from the same problem - we connected with viewers, but not with the powers-that-be.
We were actually writing a Megas feature when we got shut down - and we had roughed out a second season for Downtown when they pulled the plug.
Anyway, enjoy the dvds - we might be putting out a Megas set in the not-so-near future...
I hope you get more megas stuff out, I really want to see a feature, that would be awesome!
I enjoy your work alot, it's all relavent to my own taste, in fact, megas is one of my favorite shows.
Out of curiosity, is there anywhere I can find sme of your megas art? I like it alot, use it for screensaver slideshows and desktops sometimes.
What I'd really like is permission to sport a custom megas sticker on my laptop, my fiance works fr a vinyl sticker place and if I can ever find a decent wire frame or vector line image of megas, I would slap it on my comp so everyone can enjoy the giant robot coolness, of course I would ask for permission to display your work like that. Any chance on helping there? I never did see megas viyl stckers or really much merchandise in general, but I love it, and enjoy your creations alot, and would like to show them off. Anyways, Thank you for creating such a great bunch of entertainment, clone wars, megas, downtown, and everything. Rock on dude!
Hey Gorbash - always cool to hear from a Megas fan!
I'll look into digging up some art, but it may take a while to find. Yeah, there wasn't much merch created for the show. I think they put out shirts, a cap, the statue and the figure, but in very small runs, so they were hard to find.
man megas rocked and plzzzz if u can plzzz make another season
Hey man I loved and still love megas..never watched downtown thou but I will.
Don't quite understand why the CN guys canecelled megas if the people liked it when it was in the air, still like it and even "demand" it back..but well i'm no bussines man so what do I know?
Oh by the way I have a question, can you tell me the name of the songs used in megas? I play guitar and I'd love to play some of them!
well that's all for now, rock on man!... I'm gonna look up for some popcorn chicken...or maybe one of those hams with a pizza wrapped arround them...
Hey guys - thanks for all the comments. Abood - I'd love to make another season, but I don't think it is in the cards.
And Filo, it has been a few years, so I can't remember what music was used where, but I've heard that there's a site out there that lists it all...
Keep rockin...
finally, ive been looking for this for ages, so is it true that goats in metalocalypse as well?
oh man i loved downtown bigtime, i always identified with matt because i use to be a big time graff artists in high school, the latenight chases by security guards, spraying abandonned subway stations, shipping crates, and any other flat surface i can point a fat cap at!
anyway the main question is do you guys ship the Downtown dvd boxset to canada?
if so let me know sindacate@hotmail.com, extra shipping fees are of no concern to me. i love this set so much, and it never gets old it reminds me of better times when i use to live in new york, and people werent so paranoid of everything let me know quick time!!!!
i loved this show. I've got crappy quality files off of bitTorrent, but I'll happily pay money for a DVD with commentary! Thanx so much.
I just received the Downtown DVDs today! Can't wait to relive the show this weekend, and see what that lost episode and extras are.
I taped all but one of the shows on vhs, back when they aired on mtv.
So i'm glad to have them on DVD now, especially since VCR's keep dying on me.
I think my favourite episodes had to be the cropsies one and the one where they went spraying in those lost subways..
Thanks for the autographed dvd box set!
- Dan, Belgium
I would love a Megas DVD set, and would pay happily for the series, hopefully with large amounts of special features.
(A few Cheese Steaks wouldn't hurt either.... maybe deep fryed, with some bacon rapped around it....)
Man, I'd love a Megas DVD set as well. I recorded as many episodes as I could back in Greece but I made a mistake and recorded them in mono. Yikes! Ha ha! Now I'm in Finland and thank goodness it's on Cartoon Network each Thursday night. It's playing on TV right now. One of the best series I've seen. Very smart and well made.
Glad everyone's diggin' the DVDs. As for a Megas DVD - an unofficial "promo" set is in the works, but it may take a while to complete...
Hi, my name is Ivor, from Croatia, I wanted to ask does the dvd have english (or any other) subtitles by any chance. tnx. :)
How much is the postage to malaysia? Is it the same $25?
Hey Ivor - no subtitles, sorry! Didn't have the tech to include those at the time. Maybe for Megas we can give it a shot. Who knows, we could even do Glorft subtitles...
And Edmund, $25 covers postage to Malaysia as well.
Hey George!
I'm looking very forward to the reel arriving in my mailbox, but I just discovered that it would've been $5 cheaper through Chris. What's up with that?
Ah, but then you wouldn't be getting that cool autograph...
Ahhh, therein lies the critical (And definitely worthwhile) difference! I didn't realize... A good friend of mine was totally psyched that I had this DVD and wanted to know how I managed to get it signed, so I pointed him this way.
Thanks a million, the DVD arrived like lightning!
WOW, I just finished watching episodes 1-6, and this show is amazing. Why did MTV cancel it? It's hilarious. And I love all the Megas XLR references through out the show (or would Megas XLR have Downtown references?).
Hi George!
1) Does the DVD is still for sale? i see the original post is somewhat outdated..
2) I never understood why did you stop to work on the show..
so MTV canceled it - so what?
There are a lot of networks that would have been really glad to broadcast it, and you know what - if not - you always have the option to release episodes using the internet - that way, the most important thing - which is your fan-base doesn't get hurt.
Hey NTICompass - glad you dig it. MTV, and Cartoon Network have their own ratings/ad goals that have little to do with what shows actually connect with a passionate fanbase...
And Oren - We still have plenty of DVDs, and as to why we stopped working on "Downtown" - MTV owns it, so they determine what happens (if anything) with the show. We would have loved to do a few more seasons, but we were shut down. Same thing on Megas.
Hi George are these still available? What is the average shiptime to canada?
Thank you!
Hey EPZ - still have plenty left. Shiptime to Canada is about 3 - 5 business days.
Hey George,
just ordered a DVD set and would like to thank you for making this amazing show available on DVD.
I tried sending you an email but for some reason it got bounced back. Would there be a way to have the autograph dedicated to someone?
Hey Serge,
Glad you dig the show. Sorry about the email snafu - fixed now if you want to send me what you want on the DVD.
For those who've been emailing - still have plenty DVDs left!
I just came across this and I can't believe it! I've been wanting Mtv's Downtown on dvd for so long. I gotta ask is this for real? Can I still purchase a copy?
Macross - it is for reals. Just click on the link to buy.
Dude, i feel im not worthy to talk with you(or write to you), but i actually remembered watching downtown as a child, and Megas kick serious ass on CN (maybe the other shows felt threatened?!?)
Anyway, are there still DVD's of Downtown, and if there are, they could be sent to Mexico?
Cheers and keep working on quality shows.
Hey Mikitakas - thanks for dropping a line! Glad you dug the shows, and yes there are plenty of Downtown DVDs left, and we do ship internationally.
Rock on,
Damn, I'm ordering this tomorrow. Loved the show so much. (Watched it on YTV here in Canada.) Thanks for making it available!
Hi, it's me again, i saved enough and i already ordered a downtown dvd set, but i have a few questions, like when my order will be shipped or if you have a tracking code.
Thanks for creating such amazing shows.
Hey Mike - DVDs are shipped out First Class postage and they usually go within a few days of the order.
I'm ordering on Friday. This is my father's day present. I used to watch this show now and then, real casual like, but now that I'm getting old and MTV SUCKS! This show is like gold to me. Can't wait.
hi george, it's already 2 months since i ordered and i havent received anything.
when should have arrived the order?,
or how long does it take to the international shippings to arrive?
thx for the attention and keep on the good work
Hey Mike, international shipping has been weird recently. If you don't get it in the next two weeks, contact us via the paypal account you used.
DAMN! I missed it. I was waiting until I had some cash to buy the series and now you're sold out. Will you be making more?
Hey Christian - we're going to look into getting more made. If/when it happens, I'll post.
I swear I will be checking back every single day until there are more Downtown DVD's available. I watched the show regularly when it aired. I was 7 at the time. I managed to video tape a marathon that aired episodes 1-8. I never got to see the rest of the season.
Fast forwarding to 2 years ago, I pulled the tape back out and ended up watching it religiously. My only concern is that I'm wearing the tape out :( I can't watch "Sin Bin" anymore, because it skips on the tape.
The show is one of my most valuable pieces of nostalgia
O CARA TENHO VISTO TODOS ESSES DESENHOS E PRA MIM ,você não deve parar,mano megas XLR fez sucesso
não para de fazê ele não se eu fosse você veria o quanto fez sucesso isso e continuaria faz uma nova temporada cara esse desenho é demais(igual ao fim da abertura na serie megas=DEMAIS) faz logo mano sucesso continua sempre(e ainda mais ,odeio o lonney tonnes,chowder,e principalmente flapjack)
por favor cara só pesso isso(e se for fazer ....faz jogos do megas xlr pra playstation 2 ou 3 dessa vez,quem não compraria um jogo em que você é um robo gigante destruindo a cidade toda e os inimigos juntos,com milhões de armas super poderosas(quase como GTA)seria super loco.
faz aí vai vou amar isso(pedido do fã n 1 do megas xlr)
Sold out? Nooooooo! I knew I should have ordered it when I first saw it :(
And translation:
"THE ONE I HAVE SEEN ALL THESE DRAWINGS AND TO ME, you should not stop, megas XLR was successful
do not stop it if I were you not see the success that he did that and still make a new man this season is drawing too much (like at the end of the opening series megs = AWESOME) made soon bro success continues forever (and even more, hate lonney tonnes, chowder, and especially flapjack)
please peopl guy just this (and if you do .... do megas xlr games for playstation 2 or 3 this time, who would not buy a game in which you are a giant robot destroying the city and all the enemies together with million super powerful weapons (almost like GTA) would be super site.
do so on will love it (n request of a fan of megas xlr)"
Is this still available..if so I want it.....
Hi George
I would mean the world to me, if you would send me an e-mail at theis@spacecraft.dk if the DVD ever becomes available again. Please, George, please.
Hey guys for those still looking for the Downtown DVDs - my pal Chris P has a few left for sale on his blog:
Good luck!
I didn't see a suitable place to post this on Chris's blog, but I just wanted to say I recently got my my Downtown DVDs from him, and they're awesome. Anyone debating buying them should do so immediately! So many memories...this show is truly missed.
Thanks for making this spectacular show available! I had nearly forgotten about Downtown when I was blessed by Google to find your blog and the DVDs! The show is every bit as good as it was 12 or so years ago, it's like my very own time machine! Thanks again, exclamation point!
You mentioned a Megas set a while back, is that still a thing that could happen?
Hey C - we've been so busy with Motorcity, we haven't had the time to look into a Megas treatment. Maybe once we wrap?
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