I think it's safe to say we all share a love of giant robots here, and although Megas has been off the air for a number of years, I bring you a message of hope - from the future: the robots shall rise again...and they will be giant...
No, Megas ain't coming back - at least not anytime soon. (Although I hear CN's ratings are slipping to the point where they are about to fall below Boomerang's numbers, which is just astounding.)
I'm talking about new horizons - live action and graphic novel-type horizons. Aspects of the entertainment-industrial complex that we have yet to defile with our madness.
Against all odds, and Hollywood's current remake-fervor-trend, my pals and I sold a two hour pilot for a cable series, that if all goes well, may just blow minds. And in the same day, a very cool publisher decided to take a chance on another original pitch for a 90 page comic.
And both have giant F-in robots wrecking crap...
Megas was just the tip of the chaos-iceberg...
as long as you're behind it, i'm excited.
Both with Goat in I hope =P
Awesome news ^_^
I can't say I'm surprised that Cartoon Network's ratings are plummeting half the time their not even showing cartoons. I am excited to hear about your new projects and I can't wait to see anything with the Megas XLR feel to it. By the way I love the title of the post.
Oh hell yeah! (Steve Austin style :P)
Megas XLR was one of the greatest shows on the planet, so this might just be too. If it does have Giant Robots, I'm thinking Megas cameo!
Hey guys - thanks for the good vibes. Goat may or may not pop up, but he's kinda been our good luck charm so I'll see if I can find an appropriate (or in his case, inappropriate) place to wedge him in...
And you can count on Megas showing up somewhere...
holy SHIT. I dont know how anything can out do Megas but if Megas was just the tip on the iceberg, then JESUS we are in for a wild ride.
hope this one has a EPIC soundtrack like megas did. i cant stop listening to harsh life. how did u find those tracks man?!
Friend linked me here, had no idea you guys had a blog, thought I'd comment to say that I'd love to see Megas make a return. So not surprised that CN's ratings are slipping, they haven't had much good programming in eons.
By the way, I run a retarded blog on ScrewAttack, and I just did a list of my favorite cartoons of all time, with Megas being number one. That's right, above Batman the Animated Series. I love it that much. :B
Really glad for this
i say you should bring back megas xlr dude, it was such a fuckin awesome show and i hated cartoon network for canceling it.
seriously, i liked it even more then beavis & butthead and daria! you should at least re consider it, or hey, do something big and final like a megas xlr movie! you know, something to just finish it off instead of fuckin comics man, people were used to seeing it on tv.
But what about Coop ? Will there be a Coopalike in the new stuff. I love Coop. And when can I/we expect to see something happening in the "Limited Edition Megas DVD & Comic" department ?
Nacho - We had no music budget, so all of our tracks, except the show open, were pulled from the Turner library.
Mikey - thanks man, but I think Batman may be just a tad better. But not by much...
Pidge - Cartoon Network shut the show down. If we had our way, Megas would be playing on every channel, all day 24/7, but we don't hold the keys to the kingdom.
Linux - Too soon to say if we'll have a Coop-like character, and on the DVD/Comic set - we've sold out twice and there's a new order on the way, hopefully in the next month or so.
OMG. This just totally made my day. :-D
Can you ship the downtown dvd overseas? (I understand if shipping costs more of course)
Yeah - we ship overseas, no problem.
Megas, one of my Fav toons. (Why did U never mention Bayonne? Right next to jersey city.)Excellent use of music from the turner library, great editing and animation, nice story lines, and excellent spoofs on other bot shows (voltron, Power rangers, G-Force BOP, sailor mooon, etc.) You have got 2 find a way to create a 2 hour special that closes out the story. KIVA MUST RETURN HOME!!
Thanks Rick - glad you still remember ole Megas. And although a two hour wrap-up would be badazz, I don't think CN would be into it...
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