So I've noticed that Zim and Megas seem to be rubbing elbows on a number of "Best Of" lists - most recently; "Sketch's Top 5 Great Cartoons Cancelled Before Their Time."
I find this interesting as both of our shows were considered to be "failures," but for some reason, they still seem to keep popping up in the zeitgeist...
I've discussed this at length with Jhonen and we've come to the conclusion that this psychic residue may be a side- effect of the fact that while he sacrificed human souls to the Dark Ones to power Zim, we sold our fealty to the Machine Gods - both of which are almost as powerful and undying as the corporations that own our creations, but certainly not as vengeful...
And with that, a quote for the ages:
"It was a show for this generation to be sure. In the height of giant robot series featuring mal-adjusted bishounen teenage protagonists fighting only because they were forced to it presented the exact opposite in Coop the 20 something out of shape gear head who fought in his giant robot to have fun while saving the world was mostly an afterthought. "
I certainly didn't expect the creators of these shows to come across my ramblings. The plug is much appreciated.
Glad you enjoyed my description of Megas XLR. It really is a shame you guys weren't allowed to make at least one more season. Thanks for the laughs.
Still hoping for some DVDs.
Ha, nice. It's great that people are recognizing the greatness of both shows.
On the topic of top lists and junk. Like I said in an earlier comment a while back, Megas made it on my top ten 'toons of all time list on ScrewAttack. :P
Speaking of which, since then, I've actually become fairly prominent on the site, and more people are reading my junk. Apparently tons of them are Megas fans. I know you're busy, George, but if you ever have the time, would it be at all possible for you to do a short text interview with me for the fans on the site? Just curious.
Hey Sketch - thanks for the shout-out! Another season would have been a lot of fun. DVDs may be a long (if ever) time a-coming...
Mikey - glad to hear your readers are digging on Megas. Feel free to give me a shout off-line and we'll set something up.
Alright, I appreciate it! Er, how would I give you a shout out, exactly? Most people on the site use Skype or something similar to interviews.
Well, at least I got the whole schibang on itunes.
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