So the Megas panel at Dragon Con went down without anything getting broken and no fist-fights - a rarity considering who I brought along. The room was packed to capacity and the crowd seemed to enjoy the gag reel featuring the fake Megas toy commercial, and the Cartoon Network studio meeting video (both available as easter-eggs on the Downtown DVD to the right of this post).
My good pal, the ever-charming indy filmmaker Rob Fitz, who served as an inspiration for Coop (seen in the above pic looking classy as he swills his "water") was hauled in as a special surprise guest and regaled the fans with sad, painful and wonderful tales from his past that only served to cement his status as the "Real-Life Coop."
Questions were asked, and answered. Rants were heard. Spleens were vented and a good time was had by all. And for those of you who didn't make it, a few highlights:
-Megas is now available on iTunes, Zune, Xbox Live and Roadrunner Online, but as of yet, there is no official plan to release a DVD.
-Cartoon Network isn't currently pursuing another season.
-Rob Fitz almost killed a man.
It was great to see so many fans (one even sporting her Kiva wig!)
show up to support a series that's been off the air for over five
years now - that alone was worth the trip out to Hotlanta!
That and all of the Dr. Who fans to be mocked mercilessly for four
days solid...
Sounds like fun. Does CN own the Megas merchandising rights, too? I'm sure I'm not the only fan that would like something tangible. Hats, t-shirts, bumper sticker that reads "Honk if you dig giant robots". I have the DC direct statue but I'm sure as a Star Wars fan you know new stuff to collect is always good.
Hey George, it's Krys/Kiva! I'm so glad I got to meet you, finally! (And Rob too!) You guys were definitely the highlight of my weekend, it was so rad chatting with you. I'll definitely try and drop by again the next time you're out doing panels, as long as it's not another grueling 14-hour car ride from the Jersey shore, haha. Take care and stay awesome!
Sick - Yeah, CN owns it all. And unfortunately, even though there's still a demand for merch, especially a DVD, they don't seem to be interested in doing anything about it...
Krys - Thanks for stopping by and saying hello - it was great meeting up with you, and chatting with yer pal! (The other fans got a real kick out of your gear!)
Man, I hope the ride back to Jersey was easier...
Yeah, yeah, mock us Doctor Who fans. (I was the one at the panel.)
I snuck this photo at the panel:
Hey George, my kids and I LOVE Megas! (Although my wife silently curses me for corrupting/encouraging them lol.)
Does the DVD contain all Megas Episodes?
Also would Itunes carry Megas in Canada? The U.S. store doesn't take Canadians :(
Thanks in advance
Carl, Jakob and Jonah
Hey Carl (and Jakob and Jonah)!
The DVD only has the first episode - sorry, but that's the only official release as of yet.
I've heard that iTunes has some weird policies when it comes to international sales, but I would give Zune a try, or if you have a an xbox, you can download both seasons. Think it's also on Roadrunner OnDemand...
And Patrick D - thanks for the pic!
Hey George, Thanks for the info. Unfortunately living in Canada Zune and the Itunes U.S. store don't transmit to our geographical location, neither does roadrunner. And I don't have an Xbox either.
I don't believe in piracy and I always buy my dvds in order to show my support. If itunes is going to eventualy have it availible in Canada I'll wait. Until that happens, I am megas-less. Unless you have any other suggestions.
Story of my collecter life. :/
Best to you anywhey!
Rock on!
Hey Carl - I say gets yourself an xbox, not only will you be able to get both seasons, but kill zombies as well!
Did you read about Cartoon Network doing their "Hall of Fame" DVDs? Now would be a good time to contact them about a Megas XLR DVD set.
I agree with silkboy we need megas as a dvd an this is an opportunity.
Thanks for the heads-up. Will look into this...
Hiya George.
Were the Glorft inspired by H.P. Lovecrafts Cthulhu? I see a resemblance. Also I checked all the Portals/Websites you mentioned. None of them will service Canada. So I am Megas-less. Youtube has small snippets but that is just wrong.
All the best for the Holidays!
Carl J&J
Carl - yes, the Glorft are mix of some Lovecraftian images, as well as some stuff we loved from the old D&D Monster Manuals like the Mind-Flayer and whotnot.
My hope is that WB and the online outlets will start working on getting Megas out internationally soon. Until then, there are always other ways...
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